.. highlight:: d The Neat Language ================= Neat is a C-like statically-typed native compiled language with automated reference counting, OOP and macros. Its syntax is heavily "inspired by" D. Have some example code! Here's a program that prints the longest line in a file:: module longestline; macro import std.macro.listcomprehension; import std.file; import std.stdio; import std.string; void main(string[] args) { auto text = readText(args[1]); string longestLine = [ argmax(line.strip.length) line for line in text.split("\n")]; print(longestLine); } ... $ neat longestline.nt ... $ ./longestline longestline.nt macro import std.macro.listcomprehension; **Important notice**: Before you jump in, please read the section :ref:`getstarted:Good and Bad Neat`! For **more examples,** see the `Demos `_ page. Community ========= - `Neat Language on Discord `_ - `#neat on libera.chat `_ (formerly Freenode). - If you're trying out the language, drop by and say hi! - `Github Discussions `_ Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 getstarted intro manual std Neat on Github 🔗