.. _std_argparse: .. highlight:: d std.argparse ------------ .. c:namespace:: std.argparse Module entries: :class:`ArgInfo`, :class:`ArgParser`, :class:`ArgResult`, :class:`GccArgParser`, :class:`UnixArgParser` .. class:: ArgInfo Information about a defined command-line argument. .. method:: longOrShort() `string longOrShort()` .. class:: ArgParser Parse command-line arguments and return matched arguments or errors. Example:: auto parser = new UnixArgParser; parser.add("h", "help", :noArg, "Print this help page"); with (parser.parse(null) .case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(remaining.empty); } Example:: auto parser = new UnixArgParser; parser.add("h", "help", :noArg, "Print this help page"); with (parser.parse(["foo"]) .case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(remaining == ["foo"]); } Example:: auto parser = new UnixArgParser; parser.add("f", "foo", :intArg, "Foo arg"); parser.parse(["-f"]) .case(ArgResult: assert(false)) .message.assertEqual("Flag '-f' missing parameter"); parser.parse(["--foo"]) .case(ArgResult: assert(false)) .message.assertEqual("Flag '--foo' missing parameter"); parser.parse(["-f", "x"]) .case(ArgResult: assert(false)) .message.assertEqual("Flag '-f' expected integer parameter"); with (parser.parse(["-f", "5"]) .case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(has("foo")); assert(remaining.empty); } Example:: auto parser = new UnixArgParser; parser.add("f", "foo", :noArg, :hidden); parser.add("b", "bar", :noArg, :hidden); with (parser.parse(["-fb"]).case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(get("foo") == ""); assert(get("bar") == ""); assert(remaining.empty); } Example:: auto parser = new GccArgParser; parser.add("f", "foo", :noArg, :hidden); parser.add("b", "bar", :noArg, :hidden); parser.parse(["-fb"]) .case(ArgResult: assert(false)) .message.assertEqual("Flag '-f' expected no parameter"); Example:: auto parser = new GccArgParser; parser.parse(["-mwindows"]) .case(ArgResult: assert(false)) .message.assertEqual("Unknown flag '-mwindows'"); Example:: auto parser = new UnixArgParser; with (parser.parse(["foo", "--", "bar"]) .case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(remaining == ["foo"]); assert(extra == ["bar"]); } Example:: auto parser = new GccArgParser; parser.add("L", :multiArgs, :hidden); with (parser.parse(["-L-lpthreads"]) .case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(getMultiple("L") == ["-lpthreads"]); } Example:: auto parser = new UnixArgParser; int blaAction(string arg, string[] args, ArgResult result) { if (arg == "bla") { result.foundArgs["bla"] = ""; // arg consumed return 1; } // no match return 0; } parser.add(new &blaAction); with (parser.parse(["bla"]) .case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(get("bla") == ""); assert(remaining.empty); } Example:: auto parser = new GccArgParser; parser.add("test", :optionalArg, :hidden); with (parser.parse(["foo", "--test"]) .case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(get("test") == ""); assert(remaining == ["foo"]); } with (parser.parse(["--test", "2", "foo"]) .case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(get("test") == ""); assert(remaining == ["2", "foo"]); } with (parser.parse(["--test=2", "foo"]) .case(Error: assert(false))) { assert(get("test") == "2"); assert(remaining == ["foo"]); } .. method:: add(shortname, longname, kind, description) `void add(string shortname, string longname, ArgKind kind, (string | :hidden) description)` Add a command-line argument. Typical usage: `add("h", "help", :noArg, "Print this help page."); .. method:: add(name, kind, description) `void add(string name, ArgKind kind, (string | :hidden) description)` Add a command-line argument without a short form. Typical usage: `add("help", :noArg, "Print this help page."); .. method:: add(dg) `void add(int delegate(string, string[], ArgResult) dg)` Add a special rule. The callback will be invoked with the current argument, the remaining arguments, and the result object to fill out. It is expected to return the number of arguments consumed, including the current argument. .. method:: parse(args) `(ArgResult | Error) parse(string[] args)` Parse a list of command-line arguments. If a string is returned, the command-line arguments did not match the defined arguments. .. class:: ArgResult The result of successfully parsing command-line arguments. .. method:: this(parser) `this(this.parser)` .. method:: has(arg) `bool has(string arg)` Returns whether an argument was matched. .. method:: get(arg) `string get(string arg)` Returns the parameter of a matched argument that took a parameter. .. method:: getMultiple(arg) `string[] getMultiple(string arg)` Returns all parameters of an argument that could match multiple times. .. method:: set(arg, value) `void set(string arg, string value)` Helper to manually set an argument to a value. .. class:: GccArgParser GCC style: * `--foo bar`, `--foo=bar`, `-foo=bar` * `-fx` is `--foo=x` .. method:: this() `this()` .. method:: parse(args) `(ArgResult | Error) parse(string[] args)` .. class:: UnixArgParser UNIX style: * `--foo bar` * `-fx` is `-f, -x` .. method:: this() `this()` .. method:: parse(args) `(ArgResult | Error) parse(string[] args)`